Back to Basics: Relationship

Ryan Sears • January 28, 2021

“One coach will influence more people in a year than most do in a lifetime.”

As we think about discipleship, you cannot overestimate the power of relationships over time. Coaches, because of the amount of time together, have a unique opportunity to develop significant relationships with their athletes that often remain even when their eligibility has ended.

Because of the general breakdown of the family and God being disinvited from the conversation in our culture, youth today are faced with increasingly difficult challenges. Standing on the front lines to impact many of these youth, are coaches, who have the opportunity that few others have to develop relationships and to speak truth into their lives.

We are so grateful for the many coaches who are wanting to make an impact on as many youth as they can and for the FCA volunteers who want to come alongside and help them do it!

Would you continue to pray and partner with us to help coaches lead their athletes to Christ?

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Omaha FCA News

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Thankful to be a part of the team - Ryan Sears
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