2025 FCA Sports Academies

FCA Sports Academy: Basketball


Thank you for praying and supporting this camp!

When: Sundays from 6-7pm, starting February 16th

Where: Hoop Heaven, 20040 Hampton St., Gretna, NE

Who: Co-ed, grades 6 to 12

What: Various athletic activities--dress in workout attire!


  • FREE

The demands on today's athletes are ever-increasing, making it hard to find the time for anything else. FCA is committed to meeting athletes where they are, in a way they understand, to lead them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.

Join us Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm as we focus on learning to play basketball God's way on and off the court, led by FCA staff and experienced basketball coach, Caleb Kluender.

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