Director of Operations


On Staff Since



Mikal didn't play sports growing up (if she had, it would have been ballet! or if reading could be counted as a sport, she'd have been a gold medalist at a very, very young age), but her daughter is a figure skater and her son fences!


When Mikal first started, she lived in Omaha and was our admin of all things. Then when she moved out-of-state, she took care of in-house communications, marketing, and other administrative things. In the Spring of 2024, she moved up to Operations.

All About Mikal

Mikal and her husband, Mark, have been married since 2006. They have three crazy kids and a hilarious daughter-in-law. They moved to Oklahoma in 2018 when Mark retired from the Air Force, so Mikal has worked remotely for us since then. Get to know more about Mikal!

Fast Five:

  1. Coffee or tea? COFFEE! All the coffee, all the time!
  2. It's dinner: Italian or Chinese? Both!!
  3. Football or Baseball? Football--Go SEAHAWKS!
  4. Phone call or text? TEXT, says the introvert
  5. Huskers or Huskers? 😉 Huskers, for sure!


  1. Dessert? Hello, cheesecake
  2. Sports team? Seattle Seahawks!! And Seattle Seawolves (the rugby team)!! And Seattle Kraken (the new NHL team)! And Vancouver Canucks, because that's where I'm from and I need to be loyal!
  3. Holiday? Tied between Christmas and Easter
  4. Song? "How He Loves" by David Crowder Band...and another one I can never remember the name of--but it's really good, trust me! And ALWAYS the hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
  5. Book? That's impossible to answer (and I'm the one who came up with these questions!), but I can tell you some favorite authors: Ronie Kendig (my number one and one that men love reading too!), Toni Shiloh, Tosca Lee, and Tamara Leigh (the research that woman does!). Don't let the fact that three-quarters of them are friends--two of them very close friends--of mine make you think I'm biased. They're truly that good!


  1. Why did you join FCA? It started out with searching for a part-time job, but learning more about it before my interview, it became a calling
  2. What is your favorite FCA memory? All our Monday morning staff meetings and the laughter
  3. What is your passion within FCA? Equipping our Reps and Directors with the tools and time to go engage, equip, and empower coaches and athletes!


  1. What did you want to be when you grew up? A missionary in Africa, a lawyer, a ballerina, and an astronaut.
  2. If the Lord gave you a new calling outside of FCA, what do you think it would be? He actually has. I wrote Christian fiction under a pen name and though I've since retired, it was an incredible experience!
  3. What is your favorite Scripture? Romans 8:38-39: "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

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